- All living organisms required food.
- Green plant can make their food themelf.
- The process of synthesis food by green plant is known as photosynthesis.
- Food is utilized by the organisms for carrying out various life processes such as digestion, respiration, and excretion etc.
- Human gets their food from plants and animals or both.
- To provide food to a large number of population in our country, we require huge quantity of food materials.
- To ensure food requirements, regular production and proper management and distribution required.
When plants of the same kind are cultivated at one place on large scale ,it is called crop.
- Kharif crops
- Rabi crops
Kharif crops
Crops which are sown in rainy season are called Kharif crops.Examples:paddy ,maize,soyabin,groundnut,cotton etc
The rainy season in India generally June to September.
Rabi crops
Crops which are grown in winter season are called rabi crops.Examples:wheat ,gram ,pea ,musturd ,linseed etc
cultivation of crops required several steps undertaken by farmers over a period of time.These are
- Preparation of soil
- sowing
- adding manure and fertilizers
- irregation
- protectings from weeds or insect
- harvesting
- storage
Purpose of preparation of soil:
- The process of turning or loosing the soil is called tilting or plugging.
- Plugging is done by plough with the help of animals or tractor or tilting machine.
- After plugging, clumps are broken and leveling done.
- Purpose of preparation of soil is to turn the soil and loosen it.
- This allows root to penetarte deep into soil.
- loose soil also allow root to breathe easily.
- In the loose soil,growth of earthworms and microbes present,which help the plants by adding humus to the soil.
- Only a few centimeter of top lyre of soil support plant growth, turning and loosing the soil brings nutrients rich substances to the top of soil.
- Sometimes watering is done before plugging to make soil loose and manure added after plugging.
Agriculture implements
- Spade
- Plough
- Hoe
- Cultivator
- Before sowing healthy and good quality of seed is selected.
- Farmers select seeds which give high yield.
Tools used for showing
- Funnel
- Seed drill
Adding manure and fertilizers
- The substances which are added to the soil in the form of nutrients for healthy growth of crops is called manure and fertilizers.
- Continuous cultivation of crops makes soil poor in nutrients. Therefore framers have to add manure and fertilizers in the field to replenish the soil with nutrients. This porocess is called mannuring .
- Manure is an organic substance obtained from decomposition of plant and animal waste.
- Fertilizers is a chemical substance which are rich in particular nutrients. It is prepared in factory. Example : urea, phospate, potash ,NPK ( NITOGEN, PHOSPHORUS, POTASH)
- The use of fertilizers give better yield of crops.
Disadvantage of using the fertilizers.
- Excessive use of fertilizers reduce the fertility of soil.
- Use of fertilizers lead to water pollution .
- Use of fertilizer reduced the quality of crop yields.
What are steps required to maintain the soil fertility?
- We have to substitute the use of organic manaur in place of chemical fertilizers.
- crop rotation means taking different crops alternatively
- Leave the field uncultivated called fellow in between two crops.
Do you know Ribozium bacteria?
Ribozium bacteria are present in nodules of root of ligmanous plant.they fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Advantages of manure :
Organic manure considered better than fertilizers due to followings reasons
- It enhance water retainining capacity of soil.
- it make the soil porous due to which exchange of gases become easy.
- It increases the number of friendly microbes in soil.
- it improve the texture of soil.
To maintain the moisture of soil for healthy crop growth ,field have to be watered regularly. The supply of water to the crop at regular interval is called irrigation.
The time and frequency irrigation varies on nature of crops,type of soil and the season.
Source of irrigation
- Well
- Tubewells
- ponds
- Lakes
- Dams
- Canals
Traditional methods of irrigation
Different nethod used for lifting water for irrigation purpose are.
- Moat
- Chain pump
- Dhekli
- Rahat ( liver system)
Modern method for irrigation
- Sprinklers system
- Drip system
Protectection from weeds
- Weeds: The undesirable plants which develop with crop are called weed.
- They share and consume the water ,nutrients ,space and sunlight and leads poor development of crops.
- The removal of weed is called weeding.
- Some weeds are poisonous and harmful for human and animals.
- Weeds are controlled by removing it manually or spreading chemicals called weedicide.
- The weedicide is diluted with water and sprayed in field with the help of sprayers.
- Sparying of weed affect harmful result to farmers so it is done with carefully.
- The cutting of crops after it is mature is called harvesting.
- Harvesting is done by manually with the help of Sickles or by machine called harvester.
- In Harvesting the crop the grain needs to be separeted from chalf .this process is called threshing.
- Threshing also carried out manually or by using machine called combine ,thresher etc.
- Farmers holding small chunk of land canot afford costly machine so they separate grains from chalf manually called winowing.
- Harvested grains are to be kept for longer time for use.
- It is very important to ensure it should moisture free.It is also required to protect from rats and micro-organisms.
- Grains are dried before storage otherwise it will spoiled due to development of microbes because it contains moisture.
- Farmers store grains in jute bag or in mettaluc bag.
- Large scale grain storage is done in silo and grannies.
Animal husbandry
Food is also obtained from animals for which animals are reared .This is called animal husbandry.
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