General Knowledge questions, which are important for all competitive examination. GK questions in English has been arranged in quiz format for interesting way of learning. Which will surely improve your General Knowledge or General Awareness. Keeping the importance in mind of General knowledge quiz has been prepared GK for kids in English ,Which will improve the learning skill of kids and perform well in class.

Q1:How many straight edges does a cube have?

Answer: 12

Q2:Which bird can not fly?

Answer: Ostrich

Q3:Who is the Father of our Nation?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q4:Tsunami is a word in which language?

Answer: Japanese

Q5:Who is the inventor of Television?

Answer: John Logie Baird

Q6:Who invented Computer?

Answer: Charles Babbage

Q7:Which organ purify our blood?

Answer: Kidney

Q8:Which is the largest country in the world based on the area??

Answer: Russia

Q9: What is the hottest continent on Earth?

Answer: Africa

Q10: What is the national game of USA?

Answer: Baseball