CBSE MCQ Questions with answers can be used most effectively to measure both simple knowledge and complex concepts. Since multiple-choice questions can be answered quickly, they can assess a students' mastery of many topics in a short period of time.
Correctly structured CBSE MCQ Quiz that offers the greatest academic value will not simply indicate if the student’s answer is right or wrong, it will go further by clearly explaining the reasons why each answer was right or wrong – thus ensuring the all-important continuation of the learning process.
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Q1: What is electric current ?
Answer: An electric current is a flow of electric charge. This electric charge is carried by moving electrons(charge carriers) in a wire.
Q2: What is electric circuit?
Answer: An electric circuit is a path in which electrons (or current) flow.
Q3: What is different types of electric circuits ?
Answer: There are two kind of electric circuit. 1. Closed circuit and 2. Open circuit
Q4: What is closed circuit ?
Answer: Closed circuit is complete circuit and provide a continuous path for current flow throughout the circuit.
Q5: What is open circuit
Answer: If the circuit is incomplete or broken, the electric current doesn't flow. This type of circuit is called an Open Circuit.
Q6: Which device is used to make a circuit open .
Answer: Electric switch
Q7: What is cause of not glowing the electric bulb ?
Answer: The circuit of electric bulb is open.
Q8: Does current flow in a closed circuit?
Answer: Yes
Q9: Why do circuits need to be closed?
Answer: Closed circuit provide continuous path for electric current to flow.
Q10: Which way does current flow in a closed circuit? . ?
Answer: The current flow in the external circuit from the positive terminal and toward the negative terminal of the battery. While inside the battery it is opposite.
Q11: What are the four requirements of a circuit?
Answer: 1. Source of electrical energy or battery 2. Connective wires 3. Load such as electr bulb or heating coil and 4. switch to control the current in circuit.
Q12: What are the effects of electric current?
Answer: The two effects of electric current are: 1. Heating effect and 2. Magnetic effect
Q13:What is heating effect of current ?
Answer: When an electric current passes through a conductor .the conductor becomes hot after some time and produces heat. This is called heating effect of Electric Current.
Q14: .What causes the heating effect in electricity?
Answer: The resistance of conducting wire in the circuit opposes the flow of charge or electric current in circuit .Which creates heat in conducting wire.
Q15: Give examples heating effect of electric current ?
Answer: Electric iron, electric toaster, water heaters, etc., work on this effect .
Q16: Which material is used for heating element or coil of heater ?
Answer: Nichrome
Q17: What is Nichrome ?
Answer: Nichrome is an alloy of Nickel (80%) and Chromium (20%) and it has high resistance and high melting .This property is suitable for making it as coil of heater.
Q18: What is the magnetic effect of electric current ?
Answer: When an electric current passes through a conducting wire , it behaves like a magnet. This magnetic effect of electric current is known as electromagnetic effect.
Q19: What is the applications of magnetic effect of current? ?
Answer: The magnetic effect of current is used in making electromagnets, electric bells, telephone instruments, electric fans, electric motors, loudspeakers and toys etc .
Q20: What is the use of electric fuse?
Answer: Electric fuse is a safety device used to limit the current in an electric circuit which melts and breaks the circuit whenever there is an excess flow of current through the circuit. This prevent the fire in circuit. It is made up of material having low melting point. Generally Fuse wire is made of alloy of lead and tin having low melting point of 200°C.
Q21:Name the deivce which is used to 'make' or 'break' an electric circuit?
Answer: Switch
Q22:Which part of an electric circuit diagram is represented by straight lines?
Answer: Wire
Q23:Which electrical componenet is represnted by a symbol having two parallel lines: one long and thin, and the other short and thick?
Answer: Electric cell
Q24:State any two effects produced by electric current.
Answer: 1) Heating effect and 2) Magnetic effect
Q25:Which effect of electric current is utilised: (a)in an electric iron? (b)in an electric bulb?
Answer: (a)Heating effect & (b)Heating effect
Q26:Name the alloy which is used to make the heating elements of electrical heating appliances like an electric iron.
Answer: Nichrome
Q27:Name the metal which is used to make the filament of an electric bulb?
Answer: Tungsten
Q28:Which effect of current is utilised in the working of an electric fuse?
Answer:The heating effect
Q29:What is the full form of CFL?
Answer:Compact fluorescent lamps
Q30:Name the device which is being used increasingly in place of fuse?
Answer:MCB(Miniature circuit breaker)
Q31:Which important discovery was made by Oersted?
Answer: Magnetic effect of electricity
Q32:Name the scientisit who discovered magnetic effect of current?
Answer: Hans Christian orsted
Q33:In an electromagnet, which of the two really becomes a magnet: the piece and connected to an electric cell?
Answer: The peace of iron
Q34: Name any two devices in which electromagnets are used?
Answer: Electric bell and telephone.
Q35:What is the common name of the magnet made by using current?
Answer: Eletromagnet
Q36:Which of the following material is used for making electromagnet? Iron or Steel
Answer: Iron
Q37:Which effect of electric current is utilised in an electric bell?
Answer: Magnetic effect of electricity.
Q38: which effect of electric current is utilized in making electromagnets?
Answer: Heating effect of electricity.
Q39: A car battery is just one big cell? True/False
Answer: False
Q40:An electromagent is a temporary magnet?
Answer: True
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