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CBSE class 7 chapter light Q/A
Q1:What is light?

Answer: Light is a form of energy.When it falls on any object then we can see them.

Q2:What is light ray?

Answer: The direction or path along which light energy travels in a medium is called a ray of light.

Q3:What is beam of light ?

Answer: A group of light rays is called a beam of light.

Q4::What are the three beams of light?

Answer: Beams of light can be of 3 types. They are parallel, convergent and divergent.

Q5:Light travels along a straight line. Is iT true ?

Answer: True and this is called rectilinear propagation of light

Q6: What is the speed of light ?

Answer: 300000 Km/s

Q7:Can light travel through Vacuum?

Answer: Yes, It can .

Q8:Is the speed of light same in all medium?

Answer: No speed of light varies from one medium to another. It travels faster in low density material than high density material.

Q9:What is light made up of ?

Answer: Light is made up of packets of energy called photons which travel in a straight line at a very fast speed.

Q10:What is reflecetion ?

Answer: Mirror or any polished surface changes the direction of light that falls on it. This change of direction by a mirror or any polished surface is called reflection of light

Q11:What is the cause of reflection?

Answer: Change in path of direction of light when light falls on any polished surface or mirror.

Q12:What is an image?

Answer: Due to the reflection of light, the impression of an object formed in a mirror is called the image of the object.Actually,It is the collection of focus points of light rays coming from an object.

Q13:What is real image?

Answer: When an image is formed on a screen with the help of a mirror, it is called a Real Image.

Q14:What is virtual image?

Answer: An image which can't be obtained on a screen with the help of a mirror, it is called Virtual Image.

Q15:What is earact image ?

Answer: An erect image is an image which is upright.

Q16:What is inverted image ?

Answer: An image which is not erect is called inverted image.

Q17: Are real images inverted?

Answer: Yes

Q18:Virtual images are erect. Is it true?

Answer: True

Q19:What is the nature of image formed by plane mirror?

Answer: The image formed by the plane mirror is always virtual, upright, laterally inverted and of the same shape and same size of the object it is reflecting.

Q20:What do you understand from laterally inveretion ?

Answer: Lateral inversion is the reversal of mirror image where the right side of the object appears on the left side behind the mirror.

Q21:As the distance of the object from the mirror increases, the distance of the image also increases. Is It True/ False.?

Answer: True

Q22:Why the word ‘AMBULANCE’ is painted left-right inversed on the vehicle??

Answer: It is because when the driver of a vehicle in front looks into his rear - view mirror, can read ambulance inveresed letters written as AMBULANCE correctly & quickly .They give way to it.

Q23:State the principle used in creating a mirror image.?

Answer: Reflection

Q24:What do you understand from term spherical mirror/curved mirror ?

Answer: A miiror whose reflecting surface is part of hollow mirror is called spherical mirror.

Q25:What are different types of spherical mirror?

Answer: Concave and convex mirrors

Q26:What is application of spherical mirror?

Answer: Spherical mirrors has various applications.Such as sunglasses, rear view mirrors, shaving mirror.

Q27:What is a concave mirror?

Answer: A concave mirror is a spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is on the inner side. It is also known as a converging mirror

Q28:What is a convex mirror?

Answer: A convex mirror is a spherical mirror whose reflecting surface bulges out and it divereges the light beam so it is called diverging mirror.

Q29:What is the nature of images formed by concave mirror?

Answer: A concave mirror produces a smaller, bigger and inverted image based on its distance from the object.

Q30: When concave mirror forms smaller image than object ?

Answer: When the distance between object and mirror is large, a small inverted ,virtual image is formed

Q31:When concave mirror forms large and upright image .?

Answer: When the distance between object is very close to the mirror.

Q32:What is the nature of image formed by convex mirror ?

Answer: Image formed by a convex mirror is erect, virtual and smaller in size than the object.

Q33:What is lense?

Answer: A Lens is a type of mirror which refracts the light instead of reflection.

Q34:What is a magnification glass?

Answer: It is a kind of lense used to see small letter/object . It magnifies small letters/object and can see easily.

Q35: How many types of lenses?

Answer: They are 1. concave lense and 2. convex lense

Q36:Why concave lense is called diverging lense?

Answer: A concave lense diverges (bend outwards) tha light beam falling on it so it is called diverging lense.

Q37:Why convex lense is called converging lense?

Answer: A convex lens converges (bends inward) the light beam generally falling on it. Therefore, it is called a converging lens.

Q38:How many colours are present in a rainbow?

Answer: 7

Q39:Which splits a beam of sunlight into seven colours?

Answer: Prism

Q40:What is spectrum ?

Answer: A prism. splits a beam of sunlight into seven colours. The splitting of white light into its component colours is called dispersion and seven colours are called spectrum